
Our vision

“to advance the care and support of people with disability, specifically by creating a forum to enable the timely provision of relevant information to meet their needs.” 

This means, most importantly, we are about the needs of people with disability. AbilityNews offers a forum for people to share information and provide support. 

The NDIS created a market for disability care, an environment where everybody can search find a care package that’s just right for them. But markets need to be informed if they’re to work effectively. They need a market-place, and that’s why we’ve started AbilityNews.

To create an electronic forum where people with a disability can interact and share information about their life experiences with other people.

But this site isn’t just for people with a disability. 

We’re here for everyone involved in the sector. Maybe someone you love has had a sudden, terrible injury or disease. You might be reading because you’re a disability support worker needing information or a scientific researcher wanting to tell people about your work in this field. It doesn’t matter how you became involved, the point is you need to know what’s going on in this sector. 

And that’s the other part of our vision. To create a community that includes everyone. 

To provide timely, relevant and comprehensive information about disability, care, and rehabilitation services. It’s a bit broader, a bit more inclusive, and a bit more general. The point is AbilityNews will keep developing and expanding; making sure we can provide you with the information you need to make your involvement with the NDIS a success.

It’s a great vision and one we’re determined to achieve. The only problem is getting there.

Our mission

That’s why we’ve had to break our broad-ranging, long-term vision down into a few decisive, concrete, and achievable objectives. 

Our initial task is to create a community and the first step in doing this is to bring people together by providing solid and reliable news and information. Even this is a huge task, so we’re adding two specific lenses: a geographic focus on Canberra and surrounds and a subject focus on the NDIS. 

It’s starting small but we have big objectives to grow. 

Come and join us on this journey to inform, connect and empower a new community!